HYDREMA-BALTECH is specialized in construction or adaptation of systems for domestic or industrial waste water treatment with unique characteristics.
With 20 years experience, has developed its own technology, exporting autonomous treatment plants outside Greece. Over 3500 installations are working today, both in Greece and abroad.
Self owned construction site, 24hour maintenance and crisis management team, a test analysis lab, can deal in the best way and in the highest level of quality, any scale of work small or large.
The Consulting Engineering Office HYDREMA-BALTECH was established in the late 70's. Since today, the office has executed consulting work for known organizations, Governmental Agencies, Private and Public firms. Some of these are UNOP, EU, WORLD ΒΑΝΚ, Greek Government, Ministry of Public works, Water and Sewage Authority of Athens, Greek Army, Greek Naνy, SATO S.A., ALEXANDER FASHIONS S.A., NIΚAS S.A., ΚARNA S.A., AGROINVEST S.A., ETVA S.A., DEPOS S.A., MERCEDES BENZ, etc.
The office is situated in the suburbs of Athens in self owned building and is equipped with computer terminals for AUTOCAD design using computer programmes for the design and computation of pipelines, pumping stations, structural analysis, wave force action, etc. Besides, the office is using self developed computers programmes for modelling pollution dispersion and chemical effect in water bodies.
Particularly for the environmental studies the owned equipment includes sets for measurements of ΒΟD5, DO, SS, ρΗ, colour analysis, and floating laboratory for specimen analysis of benthos and plankton.
Important part of the activities involved is the design or improvement of port facilities, harbours and marinas.